Abfrage der SSID DB im SQL Server
SELECT TOP 10 [statistics_id]
,[execution_duration]/60000 As Delta
FROM [SSISDB].[catalog].[executable_statistics]
where year(start_time) = 2023
— and execution_path like ‘%orderitem%’
and [execution_path] like ‘%ShopDB%’
and [execution_path] like ‘%df%’
and year (start_time) = 2023 and month (start_time) = 7 and day(start_time)=24
— =’Staging_ShopDBSC_G_AlleSC_T_2_parallel Load Order Itemstable orderItemsdf_orderItems’
order by execution_duration desc
–end_time desc
SELECT TOP 10 [statistics_id]
,[execution_duration]/60000 As Delta
FROM [SSISDB].[catalog].[executable_statistics]
where year(start_time) = 2023
— and execution_path like ‘%orderitem%’
and [execution_path] like ‘%ShopDB%’
and [execution_path] like ‘%df%’
and year (start_time) = 2023 and month (start_time) = 7 and day(start_time)=18
— =’Staging_ShopDBSC_G_AlleSC_T_2_parallel Load Order Itemstable orderItemsdf_orderItems’
order by execution_duration desc
–end_time desc
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